
自启动《里斯本条约》第50条以来,BSI 一直在继续帮助各类组织实现其目标 ——一如我们过去 116 年所做的。

对 BSI 而言,一切业务如常进行,BSI 仍将是单一欧洲标准体系的正式成员、有影响力的参与者以及欧盟公告机构。在帮助英国和海外公司证明其产品符合性方面,BSI 继续起着至关重要的作用。




您可能已经阅读过欧盟委员会最近就英国公告机构在欧盟的认可问题所发布的通知。这篇文章概述了未能达成脱欧协议 (Withdrawal Agreement) 的最糟糕的情况。我们预计这种情况不会发生,并且有充分理由相信将会达成相互认可协议。


我们一直与英国政府相关部门密切合作 —— 例如,商业、能源和工业部;脱欧事务部;以及英国皇家认可委员会 —— 以确保他们理解这一事件对于英国公告机构(更为重要的是对我们的全球客户)产生的影响。


和大部分的英国大公司一样,我们制订了应急方案以确保我们的客户能够继续选择 BSI 作为其欧盟公告机构。作为这一应急方案的一部分,我们正在荷兰建立一家公告机构以根据相关的 CE 指令和法规(例如,建筑产品法规、PPE 指令、PED 指令和燃气具指令)来评估和审核产品。


随着谈判的进展,我们将及时为您提供最新的相关信息。现在,我们向您保证,BSI 将继续为您提供欧盟市场准入服务 ,一如我们过去 116 年所做的。






BSI 将继续开发和发布英国标准。预计我们在此方面的活动不会发生变化。


BSI 维持欧洲三大标准化组织的英国成员资格:CEN、CENELEC 和 ETSI。我们在这些组织的成员资格仍将延续;在标准制定和出版活动方面,一切业务如常开展。


欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)和 欧洲电工标准化委员会(CENELEC)是在欧盟之外独立存在的两个组织,负责协调 34 个国家/地区在欧洲标准 (EN) 制定和传播方面的工作。欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)和 欧洲电工标准化委员会(CENELEC)的成员资格与欧洲标准的采用以及冲突性的国内标准的撤销相关联,为涵盖所有成员国的市场准入提供便利。


过去几个月,针对 BSI 在欧洲标准开发中所起的作用,我们一直与英国政府(例如,商业、能源和工业部;脱欧事务部;以及英国皇家认可委员会和国际贸易部)以及其他相关各方(尤其是 CEN、CENELEC 及其成员)密切合作。在启动《里斯本条约》第50条后所进行的谈判过程中,这种合作仍将继续。


在脱欧后英国将继续作为欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)和 欧洲电工标准化委员会(CENELEC)的正式成员参与欧洲标准体系,这是 BSI(同时也代表着其英国利益相关方)致力追求的目标和充满自信的预期。鉴于这些组织的非政府组织特性,包括独立于任何政治权威机构的特性,BSI 所致力追求的目标不会受到英国首相在 2017 年 1 月 17 日所发布的脱欧进程声明的影响(包括英国退出单一市场)。



要了解更多信息,请单击此处下载《脱欧对于行业标准意味着什么》(What Brexit means for industry standards)(PDF)。


在全民公决之前 BSI 还制作过一个文档,尽管现在部分内容已经过时,但所包含的背景信息仍然有一定的参考价值。


我们(BSI)作为两大国际标准化组织(ISO 和 IEC)的成员资格将不受英国脱欧的影响。在创建国际标准以支持创新和提供应对全球挑战的解决方案方面,BSI 始终致力于代表英国的利益。

BSI Statement

Following the triggering of Article 50, BSI will continue to help organizations achieve their goals as we have done for the past 116 years. 

For BSI it is business as usual, BSI will remain a full member and influential participant in the single European Standards system as well as an EU Notified Body. BSI will continue to play an important role in helping both British and overseas firms demonstrate product conformity. 

As negotiations progress and our discussions with the UK government and other relevant authorities evolve, we will continue to keep you informed on progress on both this page and other communications


Recent European Commission Notice regarding future recognition of UK Notified Bodies


Dear Customers,

You may be aware of a recent notice published by the European Commission regarding the future recognition of UK Notified Bodies in the EU.  This article outlines the worst-case where no withdrawal agreement is achieved.  We expect this won’t happen and fully anticipate that a mutual recognition agreement will be achieved.

We have been working closely with UK government departments – such as the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy; Department for Exiting the EU; and the United Kingdom Accreditation Service – to ensure they understand the implications not only for UK Notified Bodies but more importantly our clients across the world.


As with most large UK companies, we have a contingency plan in place to ensure that our clients can continue use BSI as their European Notified Body.  As part of this, we are in the process of establishing a Notified Body in the Netherlands for assessing and approving products against the relevant CE directives and regulations - for example, Construction Productions, PPE, PED and Gas Appliances.


We will continue to keep you updated as negotiations progress. For now, we would like to assure you that BSI will continue to provide EU market access as we have done for the past 116 years.


If you have any questions or   concerns, please contact BSI China

Yours sincerely, 

Standards policy on the UK leaving the EU


Following the result of the UK referendum, BSI as the UK National Standards Body has been working with our stakeholders to communicate the key messages about the vital role of standards in supporting trade, growth and productivity. The triggering of Article 50 on 29 March 2017 marked the start of a period during which the UK government will be negotiating the arrangements for its withdrawal from the EU and its future terms of trade with Europe and the rest of the world.  Below is an explanation of how this affects the different roles of the National Standards Body:


National level

BSI will continue to develop and publish British Standards. No changes are anticipated to our activity in this area.


European level

BSI maintains the UK membership of the three European standardization organizations: CEN, CENELEC and ETSI.  Our membership of these organizations continues as normal; it is ‘business as usual’ in all aspects of our standards making and publishing activity.


CEN and CENELEC are private organizations outside the EU coordinating the work of 34 countries in the making and the dissemination of European Standards (EN). Membership of CEN and CENELEC is linked to the adoption of European Standards and the withdrawal of conflicting national standards, facilitating market access across the member countries.


During the past months we have been working with UK government (e.g. the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the Department for Exiting the European union   and the Department for International Trade) and other parties as appropriate, in particular CEN, CENELEC and their members, regarding our role in the development of European standards. This work will continue during the negotiation period that now follows the triggering of Article 50.


It is BSI’s ambition, and also its confident expectation, on behalf of UK stakeholders, for the UK to continue to participate in the European standards system as a full member of CEN and CENELEC post-Brexit.  Given the private status of these bodies, and thus their independence from the political authorities, BSI’s ambition is not affected by the Prime Minister’s announcement on 17 January 2017 that the Brexit process will include the UK leaving the Single Market.   

Remaining as a full member would bring maximum benefit to the UK economy and society in its new status outside the EU because reciprocity of market access with European countries and the maintenance of a unified domestic market structure across the UK facilitate trade and reduce complexity for SMEs and consumers, ultimately saving time, money and effort whilst ensuring product quality and safety.

 For more information click here to download 'What Brexit means for industry standards'(PDF).


BSI also produced a document prior to the referendum which, though outdated now in part, contains some background information of continuing interest.


International level

Our membership of the two international standardization organizations, ISO and IEC, will be unaffected by a UK exit from the EU.  BSI is committed to representing the UK’s interests in the creation of international standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.